Tuesday 30 January 2018

Fermted Bananas 001

Mood = relaxed / focused Moon = First Quarter This ferment takes around 5 days, was adapted from this recipe and should makes the bananas tangy and probiotic! note : I used a bit of Kopmbucha as my starter culture.

Friday 5 January 2018

Getting into making puppets !

In the spirit of giving some new hobbies a try I've been making some hand puppets.

Saturday 23 December 2017

Whey hey hey

Today I'm extracting whey from organic full fat yogurt for use in probiotic drinks.
It's really easy to do + you get left with the curd which is tasty !

First plonk the yogurt in a piece of cloth and hang so it drips into a container

What drips out is the Whey !

This is the Curd that's left in the cloth !


I used the whey to make limeaid and fermented apple/mango/peach/pink peppercorn drink, which will be ready in a 5 days or so (or longer if you want to develope the flavour) ..

I used the curd to make a curd and dehydrated olive dip which was delicious and then also made a mango curd ice cream (which was nice but went all crystaly after being frozen for some reason)


Standing in a closed supermarket for five seconds stretched out to an hour. I've never seen Sainsburys in this mood ...

Friday 22 December 2017

Sourdough Baking

I acquired some sourdough starter the other day in an attempt to reignite my love of baking. The first loafs i made were crusty and tasty but did not rise well at all for some reason. These are my second attempts in which i used a rye starter with white flour and baked it in a casserole pan at the highest temperature my oven would go.

Making this bread does take time as you must fold it every half an hour or so for 6 hours but i find it is a pleasant and relaxing activity, seeing it grow and develop and change texture. Also it's so cheap to make and loads more interesting than the stuff from the shops.